
Our Work


There is an obvious chance that we might not get radio signals on our home that puts us in a turmoil where we cannot be able to listen to our favorite FM radio stations. What if there is a browser app where we can listen to our radios on the comfort of our mobile or laptop computers with an internet connection.

This is where EmptyFM comes into play. You can listen to FM stations from all over the world.


Paru is a tastefully looking code-snippets storing and sharing platform. If you want a single-page code snippets creation or something that you want to write as a single-page documentation to share it with others, pasteful will be suitable for you.

Create a documentation of some technical concepts with your words and code to share it with others with Pasteful!


With over 11 years of industry experience in software development and management—River can deliver. We provide solutions for building versatile applications and our core is understanding the nuances of every detail in whatever we do.


Our source of truth is that a software must be open by design and has a transparent team in making decisions. This is what we do with our existing products. We nurture each and every step of the process to a great care and believe that the effort that we put in is worth a satisfaction of our daily life.

Get in touch

If you have any queries, do not hesitate and feel free to get in touch.

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